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The Power of Multi-UC

Written by Rebecca Young | Jul 24, 2024 3:49:59 PM

Many providers now focus more on specific needs when developing solutions for customers. Customers' unique needs are really standing out and changing as technology and the UC space are constantly changing and evolving. Customers increasingly seek the ability to streamline providers, and offering multiple UcaaS providers on a single platform effectively meets this demand. More platforms are now offering custom integrations with various services beyond direct UC providers. This trend aims to streamline the user experience by consolidating all services into a single interface.

The automation that many Multi-UC platforms are bringing is not only enhancing the front-end user experience of ordering and managing services but also positively impacting businesses from a financial perspective. By automating essential tasks like ordering and provisioning, these platforms become more user-friendly and decrease the need for technical resources to handle these tasks manually. Tasks such as number and user provisioning, setup and configurations, legacy service migrations, and others are now automated at the back end, reducing business resource requirements. Many businesses have seen thousands of dollars a year in savings by moving to these platforms. It's a trend that is quickly growing.

With many large enterprise businesses, like those in the EDU and Health space, having many layers of needs between front-end and back-end staff, addressing these needs from each layer can be difficult, making multi-UC platforms a very attractive option when looking for new solutions.

Many platforms are also adding Contact centers, call recording, SMS text, and additional services to their offerings, significantly increasing the value these platforms provide to the industry. This is drastically changing the space and what we can deliver to customers.

A growing number of customers are moving away from legacy telecom services and on-prem solutions, making the way providers deliver services and support migrations in the UC Space increasingly crucial. Having a platform that can support any aspect of migrations will be a huge benefit, and it will only be a matter of time before that becomes a common theme among platforms as the number of on-premises to cloud migrations increases.

Driving Innovation in the Multi-UC Space

Multi-UC platforms that can provide migration paths and automate moving numbers from one UC solution to another within a single customer account take simplicity to a whole new level. Ideas like these keep the space growing. We're all out here trying to solve each new challenge a customer might present to us.

As a leading provider in the Multi-UC space, we continue to drive a consistent path forward in developing the most user-friendly, functional, and robust platform to support the many needs of customers as the industry evolves. We continue seeking new and creative ways to maintain consistent automation throughout our platform, maintaining the integrity of the foundations that make up iPILOT. Reducing the migration time and moving customers faster and more efficiently into their new space stays at the forefront.

Having internal experts familiar with using different software portals and ordering services in similar platforms helps mold features and functionality. But it also comes from the feedback of real users. We listen to our customers and partners and value our community's feedback.

With the continuous expansion of Multi-UC platforms, incorporating automation and adapting to emerging technologies, service providers should consider embracing a platform capable of providing efficient end-to-end lifecycle management.